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Template Speaker Introduction- For Colleges
For over 20 years, Girls Fight Back has been empowering millions of women and people of all genders in colleges and other organizations across the country to be their own best protectors in combating violence and living a confident life! Today you will be learning the valuable violence prevention tools that have been talked about on the Dateline NBC, the Nike Trained Podcast, Women’s Health Magazine, CBS Early Show and CNN as well as in The New York Times, Runners World and National Geographic.
Today our speaker is Nicole Snell. She is the CEO of Girls Fight Back, founder of Outdoor Defense & is an international speaker, TEDx Speaker, and self-defense expert. She is a Certified Victim Advocate and has studied interpersonal violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking situations, predatory behavior, and campus security. She also has extensive training in full-contact physical self-defense including ground fighting, rear attacks, and weapons defense.
In other words, this girl can kick some ass!
There are representatives from ________ here who are victim advocates and available to speak with anyone during or after the program if you need.
Please silence your phones, but feel free to join the conversation on Tiktok, Instagram, and Facebook at the Girls Fight Back hashtag #badassbasics.
Let’s give a warm welcome to Nicole!
Template Speaker Introduction- For Military and Corporate
Nicole Snell is an award-winning international speaker, TEDx Speaker, trainer, and subject matter expert specializing in sexual assault & violence prevention education, boundaries, and personal safety. She is the CEO of Empowered Journeys, the founder of Outdoor Defense, and is a Certified Victim Advocate. Nicole has facilitated trainings for every branch of the US Military at hundreds of installations worldwide including the Pentagon. Nicole and her companies have trained millions of people in diverse industries both domestically and abroad!
Nicole has been featured for her violence prevention and empowerment expertise in global media including Dateline NBC, Women’s Health Magazine, Runners World, News Nation Now, Nike Trained, and the Fox True Crime Podcast. Nicole is committed to ending violence in all of its forms and believes that everyone has the right to walk through the world feeling safe, powerful and confident.
Let’s give a warm welcome to Nicole!